
photo of birth and sacral cave creation intelligence oracle cards

The Creation Intelligence Oracle

photo of death and initiation creation intelligence oracle cards

Re/Birth: The Creation Intelligence Oracle is for the sacred woman who knows deep down that her physiology is not just a fact of biology but rather a portal to the universal currents of creation and manifestation.

This is for the woman who longs to remember and awaken the ancient wisdom and healing intelligence of her body. Re/Birth brings you the profound simplicity of designing a beautiful life.

Creation Intelligence is the bridge connecting your humanity to your divinity. It’s a teacher of the Rebirth Codes of Creation, showing you the path to deep healing, self-actualization, and manifestation that exists within your body.

Working with this Oracle is a spiral of remembrance, a return home to the magnificent temple of your body, and a reawakening to your gifts of creation.

What is Creation Intelligence?

Creation Intelligence is a system that harnesses the body’s innate wisdom to create, gestate and birth human beings and applies that to all that we create as humans. There is so much wisdom in birth that teaches us how to live life authentically expressed and in tune with our bodies. This system provides a 7 pillar methodology to spark remembrance of this innate intelligence. Re/Birth: The Creation Intelligence Oracle is a way to start applying the methodology of Creation Intelligence to your daily life, and all that you create within it.

Hello Beauty, I’m Melissa, and I’m so grateful you found your way here. 

Re/Birth: The Creation Intelligence Oracle was birthed from my need to synthesize the profundity of pregnancy and the birth of my twins.

My fertility journey became a mirror for how we create all things. When you tap into the flow of creation you will soon realize the magnificent simplicity of manifestation.  You conceive, gestate, birth, and nurture all creations in the same way when you are aligned with the innate creation intelligence within. If we understand the magic portal that creating life is and that we hold these keys deep in our bones, our blood, and our wombs, we can map that into anything we desire to create… it’s a birthright through ancient templating that existed long before this Earth ever was. Birth becomes the macrocosmic portal for the microcosm of all that we create as humans.

I’m so excited for you to work with this Oracle, because I know how life-changing these principles have been for me!

Re/Birth: The Creation Intelligence Oracle is…

  • A 49-card deck with beautiful custom art celebrating the magic of life, death, and rebirth

  • Based on the principles of Creation Intelligence

  • Designed from the ground up to support women moving through profound transformations in all aspects of life whether that's the birth of a child, a body of work, or a work of art

It is in Creation Intelligence that we meet ourselves in our All-ness, buzzing with possibility, anchored to our essence, powerfully (re)birthing the most radiant and exquisite creations, just as intended by divine design.

I would love for you to spiral with me into this rich journey of remembrance of the power we hold as Priestesses of Creation. The medicine of Creation Intelligence is healing and activating for all who connect with a woman deep in her Creation Vortex.