Kundalini Dance

Melissa April, Kundalini Dance Priestess & Facilitator

Come, Dance into your Soul Essence & Inner Medicine.

Come, Dance the chambers open to the Codes of Creation Within

Come, Dance to remember the Ancient Medicine within

Come, Dance to awaken your gifts of creation waiting to be birthed into the world

Come, Dance to harness your sexual energy as a source of divine love, healing and expression

Come, Dance into remembrance of your divinity and wild heart

Do you desire to feel more confident, grounded, and “at home” in your body?
Do you long to feel empowered by your sexual, sensual and creative energy?
Do you wish to anchor into your body’s natural healing & magnetic properties? 

Kundalini Dance is for creative, soulful women and mothers who are ready to experience themselves, their bodies and the world in a magnificent, transcendent way they never have before.

Can You Imagine…

✴ A more liberated relationship with your body & womb space - feeling more confident & grounded?

✴ Being able to more easily express yourself in relationships?

✴ Feeling lighter, clear & free from having released stagnant & stuck energy?

✴ Deeper spiritual alignment & connection?

✴ More energy & vitality?

✴ Deeper alignment to your sacred work & soul path?

✴ Enjoying better & more balanced moods?

✴ Higher levels of attunement to your sexual energy and its healing & magnetic

✴ Experiencing more creative energy, power & balance in your life?

✴ Attracting more of what you want?

✴ Being connected to a community of people where you felt seen, heard & expressed.

All this plus more can be experienced through the magical work of Kundalini Dance.
I’m a living breathing testament to it.

Upcoming Kundalini Dance Events:

About the Practice

Kundalini Dance™ is a tantric shamanic practice where you can authentically express your body and soul through ecstatic dance, breath, sound and ceremony. Each dance we focus on a different chakra, diving deep into an alchemical transformational process, where we cultivate self-awareness and a loving presence to meet ourselves as we are. This ecstatic, devotional dance practice allows you to commune deeply with yourself and Divinity. Shakti, the Divine Feminine, inspires you to feel, express, and create as she rises upwards to merge with the Divine Masculine, Shiva, expanding light, truth and love deeply in your heart.

The feminine/masculine aspect of this practice has nothing to do with socially constructed genders of male or female. As principles, the Feminine and Masculine are qualities that exist in all of Creation and that each of us experience in varying degrees.

This White Tantra practice of sacred inner union strengthens our connection to the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energetic flows of creation in our own bodies and is primarily for inner awakening and transformation. These keys can be used in lovemaking yet, it is primarily about finding wholeness within. At each chakra we marry the Divine Feminine ( Shakti ) and the Divine Masculine ( Shiva ) within. Their energetic reunion creates an ecstatic starburst in your cells that awakens the highest possibility of your soul.

─Beginning September 29th─

Do you desire to feel more confident, grounded and at home in your body?

Do you long to reconnect to your Authentic Soul Essence and express it freely in the world?

If so, this 8-week Chakra Alchemy series is for you!

flickering candle on red winter fabric for Kundalini Dance Winter Solstic Celebration


NOURISH will be our lens that we explore the rich themes of each chakra through. For 8 weeks we'll use our bodies to feel and remember what it’s like to nourish ALL parts of ourselvesnot just the “good” stuff that’s made from light beams and rainbows, but what its like to really Nourish ourselves through the darkness that life invites us into as well.

This is so fitting and will make this series even more potent as we will have just arrived in the season of fall - our inner autumn, the primordial luteal phase, where we dance IN to and THROUGH the the darker, colder days to harvest wisdom, warmth and truth.  There's beauty in the dark— we may not see it, but we can feel it. Nourish will be the balm to our body-mind-soul system as it prepares its descent into the Inner (and outer) Winter months.

Your relationship with love, safety, belonging, relationships, sexuality, creativity, expression, personal power, money, truth - you name it, we’ll dance to NOURISH it all, in a sacred, intimate, safe container together.

Come dance and Nourish yourself with us.

~No previous dance experience is required. Just follow the beat, activate the energy through the breath keys, and express in ways that invigorate your soul.~

LOCATION: Epic Yoga, Maple Ridge

TIME: 11:15am - 1:15 pm


Full Series:

$399 Early Bird - Until Sep 15th

$444 Thereafter



During this series…

* Harness the power of Kundalini energy through dance and weave the updated themes of 8 chakra centres into our body, mind, soul system

*Deepen into awareness of each of the chakra themes and how they are playing out in our lives

*Metabolize stored memories through somatic practices and anchor in the wisdom 

*Invite flow of our Masculine and Feminine principles within us as we dance into our most authentic selves

*Restore harmony, love and gratitude within our body temple

* Refine or gain clarity around what we are conceiving, gestating and birthing into the world.

*Have fun playing in connection and community while simultaneously amplifying each others power, beauty and magic!!


This program does require that you have some capacity/experience with respectful and compassionate self-inquiry and consent informed group work.

I am here to answer any questions you have, please email me melissa@melissamakeiff.com.

How might your life change if you anchored more deeply into
Trust? Prosperity? Abundance? Aliveness? Life Force Energy? Wisdom? Community? Safety? Belonging? Love? Sovereignty? Sacred Relationships? Joy? Divinity? Play? Sacred Work? Power? Pleasure? Discernment? Balanced Ego? Soul Essence? Harmony? Peace? Oneness? Wholesomeness? Authenticity? Compassion? Forgiveness? Miracles? Unity Consciousness? Clarity? Purpose? Vision? Self-Leadership? Mastery? Spiritual / Emotional Intelligence? Faith?

This 8-week full circle alchemical healing journey somatically supports the release of stuck energy so that you can return back to your natural state of Sacred Inner Union, and be more of who you truly are in the world, in all of your radiant ALL-ness.

You will leave with a deeper connection to yourself as “fully human and fully divine”- Mary Magdalene

This ceremonial program is truly nothing short of life-changing!

Join the 8-Week Series


Epic Yoga

Maple Ridge, BC


Sept 29 - Dec 1


Full Series:

$399 Early Bird - Until Sep 15th

$444 Thereafter



  • I came to the kundalini dance series quite insecure and lost, fearful and jaded. I left feeling confident, held, excited, optimistic, and in many ways healed. The healing that took place was not just temporary - the shifts are deep, and on a soul level. I am transformed, for good. You can't unlearn internal shifts like that. No words can describe this profound work. You've just got to try it! It's not for the faint hearted, it is deep work. Deep spiritual healing. But I have never experienced such rapid, long-lasting transformation from anything before the way I did from this dance series. I am forever grateful and will forever return to the next!!! <3

    Rachel Walls

  • "Melissa’s Kundalini dance program was instrumental in helping me move through dense energies that have been keeping me stuck for too long. I have done a lot of inner exploration on myself but this program takes transformation to the level. Melissa is such a force and through her gentle, compassionate guidance I feel a lot more aligned and free  after completing this course. I highly recommend this work to anyone seeking a radical shift in their lives."

    Ariel Kew-Ladret

  • “Kundalini dance with Melissa was in short, life changing. I had been looking for a way to deepen my connection to self, to my body and to spirit and kundalini dance was all this and more. Melissa has a gift at creating and holding space that everyone needs to experience.”

    Jane Stark

  • “Taking part in Melissa's facilitated Kundalini Dance Journey was truly a transformative experience. Thank you for bringing this powerful and healing movement into my life!  Absolutely recommend this program to anyone feeling stuck or in need of a positive energy boost.”

    Krista Kelloway

  • “Entering the temple of Kundalini dance with Melissa as a guide and facilitator was quite simply a life changing experience. Where I had been experiencing stagnation in my life, I found flow, freedom, abundance and joy! I treasure the experience and can't wait to continue this journey.”

    Alison Araya

Hi Beauty,

I’m Melissa, I’m so happy you’re here. I’m a Birth Doula, Kundalini Dance Facilitator & Ceremonialist, Photographer, Oracle Deck Creator and Twin Mama. I’m so passionate about sharing this work because I know how transformational it has been in my own life.

A few years ago after a string of miscarriages, I was brokenhearted, I felt betrayed by my body and I was in what you might call an identity crisis. My healing journey led me into a deep Kundalini Activation and at the time I didn’t quite know what that meant. Shortly after this I was scrolling Facebook and an ad popped up for a 9-week Kundalini Dance series and I took that as a sign to join. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but it was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

I remember falling in love with my body, with my womanhood, with all the parts of me that were tender, scared, radiant and powerful! One night in a dance ceremony, I felt the presence of my babies come into my auric field and I danced with them. I have never felt more bliss.  A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant with twins. The blessings of this work continue to reveal themselves.

Kundalini Dance anchored me so deeply into my power as a woman, the power of my biology, and the power of my medicine and I am eternally grateful.

I would love to share this heart-work with you and show you how to connect back to the truth of who you are, in all your ALL-ness - as the powerful, magnificent, graceful, creative, sacred woman.

See you on the Dance floor,